What Inspires You In Life by Rayna B.

What Inspires You In Life by Rayna B.

The most influential person in my life would be my mom. Every day my mom pushes me to best version of myself. The person I am today is all because of my mom, without her I wouldn’t be as successful as I am today. My mom has taught me how to be kind, determined, brave, strong, and compassionate. My mom has instilled these trait into my brother and I and has also showed us how to keep a good relationship with God. My mom has always told us to trust God and trust his plan for us. Through any hard time or if you’re just in a bad place, you have to just pray to God and believe that he has a plan and knows what he’s doing. Without my mom, I don’t think my relationship with God would be as strong as it is today. My mom always carries herself as if she’s an image of God.

My mom is the true definition of hard work and perseverance. She didn’t come from a rich background and had to work hard for everything she wanted all through her adult life. With much adversity she faced, she turned it into something positive and pushed herself to be better every day.

My mom has gone through  many hardships and faced adversity several times, but in still none of it was able to stop her. My mom is a woman who puts people ahead of herself; she is a kind woman who loves everyone. She has not one mean bone in her body; my mom is full of love and cherish. My mom will do anything for my family and never would complain or question. She helps anyone who needs help and it wouldn’t matter how you are, she doesn’t judge. My mom is hard working and never quits when faced with a battle.

Just a few months ago, my mom was diagnosed with cervical and breast cancer, as I was finishing off my junior year of high school. This was a rough time for not just my family but especially my mom. My mom wasn’t used to having to focus solely on herself and even still she was more worried about my brother and I. Through this rough experience my mom never gave up, she continued to fight through treatment and all through her different surgeries that needed to happen. My mom never let cancer define who she was and even today she doesn’t let this illness stop her. All during this time it helped me to mature and grow up, I couldn’t wait around for my mom to do everything anymore but time for me to not only take care of myself but also my brother. I had to be more helpful around the house and helpful with my brother so my mom only had to focus on herself and to get better. I prayed everyday for my mother and was there for her through this entire experience. I remained strong for her and my brother; my mom has always has done so much for me and has supported me in all my dreams. This was the time she deserved to see how grateful I was for her, and that I was going to be there supporting her. During this rough tragedy and experience, I believe I became a much better person. I have become much more reliable and responsible; I don’t rely on my parents as much and I am much more independent. I have started to grow as a person not only spiritually but also emotionally. My faith in God strengthened and I don’t believe without the power of my prayers every day, my mom wouldn’t be cancer free today. I have taken much more responsibility with my brother and have really been helpful with my mom so she doesn’t have to worry as much and can focus more on herself and resting, it even made my brother and I much closer and have an even stronger bond with one another. I have learned to just enjoy life and the beauty of it. I never take a second for granted and try to live every day to the fullest. I want to act more like Christ in my daily life and focus on the good in the day like family and friends. My mom’s experience really changed me for the better; her experience transformed me into a wonderful woman and made me strive to be more like her.

My mom has influenced me so much through my entire life. She has showed me to remain strong and confident with every situation that happens. She has taught me to be compassionate and help others before myself. My mom has instilled for me to continue to have a good relationship with God and has helped me grow spiritually. My mom has shown me to be the best version of myself everyday and live everyday to the fullest. Without my mom, I wouldn’t be the young lady I have become today. My mom has shown me that hard work and determination will get you far in the world and always to trust the process. My mom has a big influence in my life and I am who I am today all thanks to my mom.

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