Human Resources Development – Problems Affecting the Use of Human Resources Development

Human Resources Development – Problems Affecting the Use of Human Resources Development

Human Resources Development – By now it is obvious that human resource involves a good leader, a healthy work environment and a good job to producing a motivated employee a result oriented approach to employee relations requires management skills in identifying problem setting polarities and developing and evaluating alternatives as well as the ability to communicate initiate action implement it measure control and change its course as necessary.

Role of Human Resources in an Organization

What is the concept of human resource and organization?  Human resources simply means labour and this imply the effort exerted towards achieving the goals of the organizations therefore, human resources could means the personnel in the personnel department and all other categories of labour in each department of an organization an organization could be regarded as a structure that guide the activities of human being that is participating in it what then are the functions of human resources in organizations.  The success of an organization depends on the effectiveness of it  human resources, the skill and the enthusiasm of the employees it is no doubt that the objective of the organization cannot be achieve if there are no complements employees to effect such objective.

Fro an effective administration of an organization it is the responsibility of the personnel manager to assist and advice the managing director on personnel policy and ensuing that such policy is made know to the staff as well as effectiveness in carrying it out.

In as much as a policy drafted by an organization cannot operate on it own it is therefore the responsibility of somebody to it on people to carry it out and that responsibility lines on the personnel manager.

The role in human resources in organization could be also channel to building a capable organization the successful executing of strategy and implementation of policy requires the present of a good internal organization and competent personnel. This for the manager to build a capable organization an internal organizaiton structure that is responsible to the needs of the policy and strategy must be developed.  Also the manager must select people with the skill require for the execution and implementation of the strategies and policies for the key positions this capable management team must be assembled to implement strategies and policies.

The manager must also allocate and focus resources on strategic and policy objective a policy implement must face squarely the responsibility of directing the process of allocating the resources of the organizaiton.  Definitely the organizational unit must have the resources necessary for carrying out the policies and strategic plans this includes having enough qualified people and operating fund for them to carryout their responsibilities this the manager must determine the budget that are needed by each organizational unit to carryout its own part of the strategic plan of the organization.

The manager must also ensure the galvanization wide commitment to the goal of the organization.  He must motivate organizational units and individual to execute the laid down plans and achieve the targeted result the manager should inspire the employee to do their best and in the process have a sense of commitment in the laid down plans or organization moreover the manager should build a corporate culture that is supportive of what the organization intended to achieve as a target.

Any organization has it own personality and therefore we can include such factors as the organizational philosophy and shared value as factors that constitute the organizational philosophy and values that are supportive to its target.

Training And Development

What are the training and development needs of Enugu North the need to train new employees or individuals who are being promoted is self evident new jobs are usually requiring in new skills in addition the motivation of employees who have just been hired to promoted is likely to be high.

With regard to training and development the question is how do you determine the training needs of individuals in an organization shower outline for procedure that managers can use to determine the training needs of individuals in their organization

They include the following:

  1. Performance appraisal
  2. Analysis of job requirements
  3. Organizational analysis and
  4. Purvey of personnel.

Performance Appraisal:         Is of the opinion that each employee’s work is measured against the performance standard or objective established for his job.

Therefore it this performance does not equal with the standard set, he will then need more training to be able to cope with the job.

In analysis of job requirement the skills or knowledge specified in the appropriate job description are examined those employees without necessary skill or knowledge become candidate for a training programme.

Organizational analysis on the other hand denote the effectiveness of the organization and its success in meeting its goals are analyzed to determine where difference exist.

And lastly in survey of personnel them managers and non managers are asked to described what problems they are experience in their work and what action they believe need to be taken to solve them training therefore, is often used to denote the teaching of technical skills to non managerial personnel.  Enger defines it as  “the adapting or mounding of a person to increase his fitness for a specific activities.  It involves both experience in doing a job and education.

Development on the other hand is concerned with the improvement given to technical conceptual and human relation skill of managers. Development programme are designed to increase the overall effectiveness of managers in their present position and to prepare them for greater responsibility when promoted just as training need can be identified development needs are identified and categories as follows:

a.  Knowledge required performing a manager’s job in the company concerned including:

  1. Background of the company, its organization and practices.
  2. Company resources available
  3. Company technology
  4. Special management techniques


b.       Planning analytical and creative skill which include:

  1. Recognizing objectives and putting them in order of importance
  2. Assessing values of available resources e.g. human material, technology and financial
  3. Formulating and administering plans delegating as necessary


c.  Social skills this is important because a manager may easily spend two thirds of his time working include:

  1. Communication upwards downwards and lateral
  2. Co-ordination within a department of between departments
  3. Motivation of subordinates

Human Resources Requirement of Public Administration

We have been able to view human resources as input from labour exerted towards the success of the target of an organization. This human resources could be regarded as a personnel; manager or any categories of workers in the organization

Human resources requirement of public administration include the accountant the public relation officers, the personnel manager and other functional managers in the various department.

The accountant is responsible for the financial record keeping of the organization.  The personnel managers is responsible for sourcing the right human needs of the organization while the public relation officer protect the good image of the firm by relating the organization in a proper manner before the public.

Enugu North Local Government

Enugu north local government was carved out of the then Enugu local government in 1991 during the creation of Enugu state from the them Anambra State following these developments, Enugu East in 1996 carved out from Enugu north local government are during further states and local government creations

Enugu north local government performs the following functions:

  1. Collection of rates these rates include local rates fees from market stalls, special level etc.
  2. Provision and maintenance of feeder, minor roads and streets
  3. Provision and supervision of education for example in Nigeria, the supervision and maintenance of primary or elementary schools are placed on the shoulders of local governments
  4. Providing faclities for health and sanitation including maternity homes and health centers they maintain culverts in the urban
  5. Registration of births deaths and manages
  6. Urban transportation Enugu north local government runs transport service from one area of the city to the other.
  7. They do provide and maintained recreational grounds and amusement part licensing of bicycles, dogs, hawker etc. buildings example town hall, customary court building, local government authority offices etc.

For this local government to ensure a sound and powerful human resources development, it must inculcate all the rudiment involve in sourcing training and development of human resources.  It must also check properly to know those factors militating against it human resources development and corrective action taking with immediate effect.

Enugu north local government has six (6) departments they includes:

–                     Personnel

–                     Health

–                     Social welfare

–                     Account and

–                     Finance departments


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