Custom Essays: The Pros and Cons of ENL Writers

Custom Essays: The Pros and Cons of ENL Writers

Many students who are looking to use a custom paper writing service want to use ENL (English as a native language) writers because of the perception that these writers will provide the best overall experience and service. However, this is not always the case. Some companies only use ENL writers, but this isn’t always the solution. Reputable companies such as brand new kind of a custom essay writing service – uses the best writer to meet the needs of the client, so they use both ENL and ESL writers. This article is going to look at the pros and cons of using ENL writers to provide your custom paper.


  • ENL writers often have great levels of spoken and written English;
  • English can be a difficult language to use properly. Native speakers can often have a better understanding of how to use the tricky parts of the language in an essay more effectively than an ESL writer;
  • ENL writers may have a better understanding of how to manipulate the language;
  • ENL writers can have a much stronger ability to ensure that the meaning of the text is completely clear to the reader;
  • Native speakers can have a better way of reasoning within a written essay, often because there are a natural flow and rhythm to the vocabulary that is inherent within native speakers;
  • UK based ENL writers may have been the whole way through the British education system and will have really detailed knowledge of what is expected of students.


  • ENL writers can be 30-50% more expensive than ESL writers.
  • ENL writers are often booked up far in advance, meaning that they can be difficult to get hold of;
  • Sometimes they may be tempted to take on more than they can handle to make more money, resulting in work of a much lower quality;
  • Being ENL writer is no guarantee of excellence. Written English requires better grammar and vocabulary skills than spoken English.
  • If you are paying extra for an ENL writer, then how can you guarantee that you are actually getting an ENL writer? Sometimes there can be no guarantees that you will get what you pay for.

 When deciding whether to use an ENL writer or an ESL writer, it is important that students consider their own levels of written English. The best online custom paper providers, such as a brand new kind of a custom essay writing service –, may ask to see samples of your own writing so they can best match a writer to meet your needs. If teachers know your writing has never been perfect and suddenly you submit a grammatically perfect essay, alarm bells will start to ring!

An article cannot tell a student whether or not to buy an article written by an ENL writer over an ESL writer. The best thing to do is to ask for a range of writing samples because then it will be possible to choose the best one to meet the requirements of the essay that is to be submitted.

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