Organization Structure as a Tool for Effective Management

Organization Structure as a Tool for Effective Management

In defining organization structure there is need to differentiate between the term” organization “ and organization structure “ According to KEONTN and co (1980) P.330. Organizing is the grouping of activities necessary to supervise it, and the provision for co-ordination horizontally and vertically in the enterprise structure.

On their own, stones and freeman (1989) P.216, defined organization” as the way work is arranged and allocated among members of the organization as that the goals of the organization can be efficiently achieved. Furthermore, they defined organization structure as” the arrangement and interrelationship of the component parts and position of the company.

From the foregoing, it would be seen that while organizing is the process of grouping activities in an enterprise, organization structure shows the parts and positions that resulted from the grouping as well as the co-ordination necessary for the achievement of the enterprise goads and objectives. In other words, organizing can be referred to as activities, shows how different function or activities are linked and to some extent shows the level of specialization of work activities. It also indicates the organization hierarchy and authority structure and shows its reporting relationship.


The institute of management and technology (I.M.T) has recorded tremendous growth in the institution. For instance, the staff strength today stands at two thousand eight hundred employees as against eight hundred staff including both Junior and Senior Staff in the year1975. The increase in staff has made the performance and growth of the school possible.

According to Edward Robert (1989) p. 186 technology cannot be transformed but can be developed by applying human and other resources” following this development the institute achieved greatness with solid administrative outfit. It is true that the institute of management and technology (I.MT) is not profit making organization, but the need for good planning has never been over looked. Most institutions have a dual job of handing both academic and administrative functions. According to Ralph .F. “ the business which has a plan and whose executives base their short –term decision on long-range effect is much more likely to succeed than one in which decisions are based on short-term effects ”Educational planning according to combs, is simply the application of process of systematic analysis to the process of educational performance with the aim of making education more effective and efficient in responding to the needs and efficient in responding to the needs and goals of It’s students and society”.

There has always been a degree of growth; this sense is associated with educational performance. Growth as a specialized activity with its own skills and techniques is however, a much more recent performance stemming from the acceptance by governments of fuller responsibility for investing in economic activities for co-ordination these activities and for dealing with the problem of consequent social changes.

Education as one of the worlds fastest growing industries, was both tool crucial to be allowed to perform simply through the indumentums exerted by social demand.


The research or discovered during the course of his research work. The reason why an organization needs a structure for its operations. Structure therefore, is recommended for an enterprise because of the following reasons.

  1. An organization structure is needed to establish a formal system of roles that people can perform so that they may best work together to achieve enterprise objectives.
  2. It enables people in an organization to be aware of the firm’s goal and objectives as it is usually based on these two criteria.

iii.      It is needed to define managerial authority responsibility and accountability.

  1. It is needed to establish heraldries in the organization.
  2. It enables a firm to execute its strategy for better performances as it always reflect in organization strategy.
  3. It promotes proper co-ordination of the activities of an organization when the activities are grouped into a number of departments.

vii.     It makes possible optimum use of personnel by specifying the number of subordinated that can be effectively supervised by an individual.

viii.    It makes possible the training and testing of tomorrow’s mangers in an organization. Thereby allowing easy succession among managers.

  1. It enables a firm to prepare for external factor of environment that may have effect on its operations.

x.         By being flexible, an organization structure will enable an enterprise adjust to any change that may occur in its operation system.

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This article was extracted from a Project Research Work Topic



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